Argentina Christmas 07

Christmas in Buenos Aires is a lot warmer than that in London. Venturing south for the third festive season in as many years was a delight. A great pleasure to be back in leafy Barrio Norte and then, after a short bus ride (by the argentine measure) to the ever-lovley Estancia San Miguel inhabited by its ever-colourful inhabitants including Matteo the tango-dancing dog. Persuading the Don over copious vasos di vinho tinto worked a treat, and sure enough morning dawned with keys in hand of one of the His Excellencie's luxury motors. Off we set on an haphazard cross-continent trip with map and mate, taking in Santa Fe, Cordoba, San Luis, Mendoza, Neuquen, Rio Negro and of course La Pampa, secca y humida. A lively new year was ushered in gorging on the fine steaks and world-class vinatages of the Mendoza bodegas, and at journey's end at a very windy and cold 12,000ft we stared across Acongacgua into the mountains of Chile only to called back by the irrating ever-present 'better' conscience. Many miles of road and several unusual introductions were rewarded with days of siestas and lawn-tennis back at the ranch coupled by the inauguration of the annual San Miguel International Jazz Festival with the Don and his troop beating the rhythms all night long with guitar, bass, drums, piano and voice. Can't wait for next year! Sadly the sands of time trickled only too fast. Your interepid explorer had to return to the frozen north and our livley hostess headed for the sun-soaked beaches of Uruguay. Muchas gracias a todos. Viva el matetito!
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